We welcome you to DAETSII
Here you will be able to keep up with the various activities we organise in the school as well as other activities such as company visits, excursions and talks. You will also be able to find academic information from rules and guidelines to school supplies lending.
Leisure & Culture
Recreational and formative activities in the ETSII such as film sessions, gymkhanas, tournaments and orxatadas/chocolatadas.
External Activities
Company visits, collaborations with the COIICV, Generación Espontánea, other Student Associations’ activities, excursions and talks.
Sports and other competitions as well as activities that promote healthy habits. Among them, the Patron Saint’s tournament is worth highlighting.
Academic Affairs
Mistral Information and UPV rules and legislations (NRAEE, NIA, etc), as well as articles and news of academic interest.
Notices about activities organised by UPV organisations or external activities of general interest.
Sondeos curso 23-24
No lo rompas!!
¡Buenas chic@s! Esperamos que estéis a tope con los parciales. Para animaros os contamos que hemos preparado una superactividad ingenieril “No lo rompas!!”, en las que podéis demostrar vuestras habilidades, divertiros y lo mejor, ¡ganar premios! Habrá 2 concursos: · Este evento se celebrará el jueves 9 de noviembre a las 12:30 h en el aula…
Buenas chic@s! Esperamos que estéis llevando bien este inicio de curso. Para hacerlo más llevadero hemos preparado una orxatada para cualquiera de vosotros! No nos negaréis que salir de clase y tomarse una buena orxata no es un planazo…🥛 Este evento se celebrará el jueves 28/9 a las 12:30 h en el jardín de la locomotora.…